Diet Vs Exercise: Which Is More Effective To Help You Lose Weight?

Diet Vs Exercise Which Is More Effective To Help You Lose Weight? To lose weight it is as simple as ensuring there is less energy going in and more energy going out, creating an energy deficit. Many of us believe that if we run more, cycle longer, increase our gym sessions – we will shed […]
The Step by Step Guide to Managing IBS

The Step by Step Guide to Managing IBS “Many people I see in clinic often aren’t looking after their gut at all. Yes, they may have IBS, but they are not necessarily taking the right basic steps that even a healthy gut would need” Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastro-intestinal […]
Common Eating Disorder Myths

Common Eating Disorder Myths “Eating Disorders are a serious mental illness and have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness. Currently around 4% of the Australian population is experiencing an eating disorder.” For many of us, the term eating disorder may make us think of somebody suffering with anorexia or maybe bulimia. However, it […]
Take Control Of Your Diabetes

Take Control Of Your Diabetes “Healthy eating is an essential part of managing diabetes, just as important as taking any prescribed diabetes medications and being active regularly” Diabetes affects over 1.2 million people in Australia, with Type 2 Diabetes making up to 85-90% of those people with Diabetes. Diabetes is a progressive disease that when […]
Dietitians & Diabetes Management

Dietitians & Diabetes Management Dietitians & Diabetes Management Nutrition can make a huge difference in your ability to control your blood sugar when you are managing your diabetes. Seeing a dietitian will help you to receive the guidance to understand the food you need to eat for better blood sugar control. As dietitians, we can […]
Avoiding the Christmas Blow Out

Avoiding the Christmas Blow Out “While it might appear that one day of extravagance won’t have an affect on your weight, you can easily end up consuming a whopping 2-3 days worth of food in that single day” Whilst Christmas is a time for celebration and spending time with your loved ones, for many it […]
Beginner’s Guide To Meal Prep

Beginner’s Guide To Meal Prep “With a busy schedule, it’s often hard to cook to cook every single day, and to be honest there are times when I’d rather be doing something else.” Over the years, I’ve been listening to patients tell me how sticking to weight loss plan is hard because it takes up […]
Dining Out With IBS

Dining Out With IBS How to order dinner on a night out with IBS “Eating out with IBS can be challenging and for some, a daunting experience. However, with our tips at hand, and a bit of planning, eating out with IBS can be a lot more manageable and less stressful.” If you have Irritable […]
Mental Health and Food

Mental Health and Food Dietitian Kate Flint discusses the link between Mental Health and food in the video below.
Dietitian’s Perspective on Shedding Kilos

Weight Loss Dietitian’s Perspective on Shedding Kilos A Dietitian’s Perspective on Shedding Kilos In a world brimming with quick-fix diets and flashy weight loss pills, the voice of a dietitian advocating for healthy weight loss can seem like a gentle whisper amidst the noise. But sometimes, the quietest voices are the ones worth tuning into, […]