Happy Gut Package

Happy Gut Package


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is often not a simple issue with a one-size-fits-all answer. Symptoms can vary and there can be many triggers, which may require trialling several dietary strategies to find out what works for you.

At Solutions with Food, we are experienced in a range of elimination diets including RPAH Elimination diet, Monash low FODMAP diet as well as lactose free, wheat free, gluten free and dairy free diets. We will guide you through the process to find your food triggers, while broadening your diet as soon as possible again.

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During our Happy Gut Package we will provide you with meal ideas and recipes, help you to manage eating out with special requests, understand food labels and improve your gut health.

✅ 1 x 60 min initial consultation
✅ 1 x 30 min review consultation
✅ 4 x review consultations
✅ Personalized dietary plan
✅ Lifestyle and education resource pack

BONUS COOKBOOK - Gut-Friendly Snacks

The Low FODMAP Diet is a 3 step process

1. Elimination Phase

We help you to remove all high FODMAP foods from your diet to settle your gut symptoms.

2. Re-challenge Phase

We help you to challenge each FODMAP group to find out your trigger foods.

3. Adapted Phase

We help you to bring the FODMAP foods you can tolerate back into your diet.

Initial Consultation

Learn the FODMAP basics, and a meal plan, shopping list and buying tips.

Second Consultation

Review your symptoms and modify your meal plan as you continue with the elimination diet.

Third Consultation

Learn how to challenge each FODMAP group to identify the foods that trigger your gut symptoms

Forth & Fifth Consultation

Continue challenging each FODMAP group to identify the foods that make your gut happy while improving your overall well-being.

Final Consultation

Learn how to live with your new FODMAP friendly diet, including recipe modification, eating out and travelling so you can continue with your happy gut.