Dietitians & Diabetes Management

Dietitians & Diabetes Management
Nutrition can make a huge difference in your ability to control your blood sugar when you are managing your diabetes. Seeing a dietitian will help you to receive the guidance to understand the food you need to eat for better blood sugar control.
As dietitians, we can help you set goals and then plan meals to help you achieve them. Your goals may include losing weight, as well lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure. Working as team is a journey for the long haul. We are here to help you along your journey and to be your partner on your health care team.
What to expect at your appointment?
At first it may be overwhelming seeing a dietitian. Many think we will judge your current diet, however, our approach is to help make improvements to your diet. Therefore, the more accurate picture you can give us of your diet the better your outcome will be.
We will also ask you a series of questions to help customise your eating plan. This is important information that can help you to plan meals for dining at home, or eating out. What snacks to eat between meals and the portion sizes of each meal. We can also direct to you good sources for recipes, learn to read labels and find healthy substitutes.
Our focus is to help tailor a healthy eating plan for you and take into considerations all of your preferences. Once a plan is in place, we continue to work with you to revise your meal plan after you have tried the recommended meals and snacks. If you find the meal suggestions are too complicated or leave you feeling hungry, we can address these issues and find alternatives for you.
How often do I see a Dietitian?
In the beginning we see you once a fortnight, to monitor your progress, answer your questions and make further recommendations. Once your healthy substitutes become a habitat and your blood sugar is under control, you may see us less often. However, it is important to continue to see your dietitian regularly to reduce the risk of further complications.
Will I have to cut out Carbs?
Many believe carbs are off limits for someone with diabetes, but contrary to popular belief, you can still eat carbs. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to carb intake but we can show the type and amount that is right for you for better blood sugar control.
Where can I see a dietitian?
Right now, there is great flexibility in being able to see a dietitian. Our clinics are located all over Brisbane, Ipswich and Moreton Bay. We are also offering telehealth consults, video consults and home visits to eligible patients.